September 2020: Federal Eviction Moratorium

This was originally published on October 1, 2020 in the OCDCA Newsletter.

Federal News

Important Eviction Moratorium and Rental Assistance Information

From the National Low-Income Housing Coalition (NLIHC) . . .Evidence is growing that corporate landlords are trying to rush evictions through court systems before renters learn about their rights under the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) eviction moratorium. These are the same corporate landlords who repeatedly attempted illegal evictions under the more limited CARES Act eviction moratorium. This is outrageous and truly despicable.

The CDC eviction moratorium protects eligible renters that have signed a declarative statement, but most renters remain unaware of the moratorium and the steps they must take to protect their homes! Help get the word out!

To be protected by the CDC's eviction moratorium for nonpayment of rent, qualified renters facing eviction should immediately provide a signed declaration to their landlords! Details about the moratorium and a sample declaration is on NLIHC's National Moratorium webpage that includes materials developed by NLIHC, NHLP and other national partners, including:

Overview of National Eviction Moratorium
National Eviction Moratorium: FAQ for Renters (translated into Spanish)
Sample declarative statements in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, and Arabic.

Please do all you can to get the word out about the moratorium and declarations to all renters! Urge your members of Congress and policy makers at all levels to inform struggling constituents of their protections under the CDC order.

Then, continue to urge Congress and the White House to #GetBacktoWork to enact the essential housing provisions included in the HEROES Act and passed by the House four months ago!

The federal eviction moratorium is essential relief for struggling renters, but it merely postpones evictions - it doesn't prevent them. Renters are accruing more debt than they can possibly pay off, and small landlords are increasingly struggling to pay their bills without rental income. Congress must provide at least $100 billion in emergency rental assistance to keep renters stably housed during and after the pandemic and to ensure we don't lose any of our country's essential housing stock.

Take Action

  1. Share information with renters about the federal eviction moratorium and the steps they must take to be protected!

  2. Contact your senators and representatives: Demand that Congress and the White House restart negotiations and pass the essential housing provisions of the HEROES Act. Find the phone numbers of your members of Congress here or send an email!

Thank you for your advocacy!

State News:

JobsOhio Launches Vibrant Community Program

The Vibrant Community Program recognizes that distressed communities may not have adequate resources to develop and implement economic development projects that can attract private investment and create new jobs in the community. The program was established to assist distressed small and medium sized communities with the implementation of catalytic development projects that fulfill a market need and represent a significant reinvestment in areas that have struggled to attract new investment. For more information click here.

$650 Million in Coronavirus Relief to Local Governments

The General Assembly approved $650 million to Ohio cities, townships and villages to cover their coronavirus-related expenses, in a move that would allocate the state's final share of emergency local-government funding. The article lists awards by county and local government. All of these resources must be spent responding to the pandemic and members should reach out to their local governments to learn of opportunities.

Frontline Examines Child Poverty in Ohio Communities

PBS Frontline examines issues surrounding child poverty during the pandemic by visiting three Ohio communities in their documentary film called Growing Up Poor in America. Click here to view.